giovedì 31 luglio 2014


La notte scrive sul muro le ombre
racconta il destino di ognuno
misura la distanze fra le stelle
attraverso i battiti del cuore.

Non c’è più un raccolto da mietere
la candela stenta a non spegnersi
ma il futuro è un divenire
che non attende d’essere pensato.

 Buon Lughnasadh 2014, buona festa del raccolto

mercoledì 30 luglio 2014

Cliffs of Mendocino

Now things seem to be better
Though you won’t let me to know
I am another man
And you are a different girl

And I will meet you
Near cliffs of Mendocino
Drawing pictures
Of your left past seasons

And it will be for us
The point zero of the time
The moment when the hearts
Admit the no sense of the pride

And we’ll be lovers
And we will be again friends
The end of all bothers
Or maybe the latest end

From America 
The news seem to be good 
From the east they come 
Often the bad news 

And here in the middle I try to live 
Hoping to understand why I’m here 
And not somewhere else 

Are there the right choices
And the wrong one in one life?
Please tell me whose is the voice
That can judge us in our time

You're in the sky now
And I am at the bottom
But wheel is allowed
To turn without we know

From America 
The news seem to be good 
From the east they come 
Often the bad news 

And here in the middle I try to live 
Hoping to understand why I’m here 
And not somewhere else 

Nella foto: scogliere di Mendocino, California, USA.

venerdì 25 luglio 2014


Everytime I think
I am like the others
I am like the others

I know I commit
A mistake oh my Father
A mistake oh my Father

‘Cause I am not
Like them from skin to bones
No I cannot Live as can live them all

Everytime I try
To do things they do easily
To build up their good living

I find only cries
And frustration so deeply
And I start soon bleeding

So I’ve to find
An alternative for me
To stay alive
Without sailing in the grief

May be centuries ago I was here 
I see infancy in the fog of the years 
But I am still a child, not more 
Yes I am still a child, not more 

When I look at you
Near you little baby child
I see you have found your life

Now please look at me
Don’t you see I’ve no glistens
In my eyes, oh my sister

I have not found
The right way to me
Too many bounds
Or inability?

May be centuries ago I was here 
I see infancy in the fog of the years 
But I am still a child, not more 
Yes I am still a child, not more 

Lerici 27 Giugno 2014

giovedì 24 luglio 2014

Così lontani

Oggi sono le acque del lago
a suonare il pianoforte
mentre il cielo è silenzio
stupito dalla bellezza

 (così lontani dalla guerra
in questa dimensione sacra
non sentiamo le esplosioni
che cancellano il futuro)

Sirmione, 23 Luglio 2014

domenica 20 luglio 2014


Il mio corpo conosce le stelle
i nervi tesi sono costellazioni
ogni battito cardiaco un sole
che esplode nel cosmo immenso.

Torino, 17 Luglio 2014

lunedì 14 luglio 2014

Quando l’estate arriverà

Quando l’estate arriverà
vorrei mi sorprendesse nudo
con le mie ossa sparpagliate
sotto le ultime nuvole
e i sorrisi abbozzati
pronti ad esplodere pieni.

Vorrei non aver un passato
che debba esser raccontato
e stupirmi per le parole
che sfiorano il mio intuito
per svelare in poesia
ogni sussurro degli Dei .

sabato 12 luglio 2014

The nearest to eternity

Now I know you exist
Great Magog *
Oldest men are children
Compared to you

And I can see your sister is dead
And her old spirit runs now in the Land

On my knees I now breath
Near your trunk
Thinking of all the things
Of your past

The history passed through your leaves
The cries of joy and of grief

Among all the creatures 
In the world seen 
You are the nearest to 

So you can speak to me 
To the truth that I need 
If I can hear 

And even if I see 
That Gog * is dead
So full of life it is 
For the insects 

And elder is her graveyard 
Its leaves wrap around her 
 As an embrace 

And this time I found you
Not alone
It’s a sign I’ve still so
Much to grow

Yes in your limbs I see mouths and eyes
And to feel closer over to you I’d climb

Among all the creatures 
In the world seen 
You are the nearest to 

So you can speak to me 
To the truth that I need 
If I can hear 

And even if I see 
That Gog * is dead
So full of life it is 
For the insects 

And elder is her graveyard 
Its leaves wrap around her 
 As an embrace

* Gog e Magog sono due querce immense datate più di duemila anni, considerate parte dell’antichissimo cerchio druidico che esisteva a Glastonbury (Somerset, England). Magog è ancora viva. Gog è invece purtroppo morta ma il suo enorme tronco è ancora ben visibile in mezzo alla campagna. 

Glastonbury, 9 Giugno 2014 

Nella foto: Magog

domenica 6 luglio 2014

Il buio è un olio

Oggi lascio il sole fuori da qui
la luce non raccoglie i miei occhi
il buio è un olio santissimo
fragrante di zagare e di rose
di esso cospargo la mia anima
per difenderla dal mondo ostile.

Nell’immagine: “Oltre il buio” di Gina Giuliano

martedì 1 luglio 2014

How can invent a lullaby

How I can invent a lullaby
That is for you really right
 Oh I can sing for the day long
Without finding the correct notes

And only you’d be able to
Suggest me the words most useful
But you can’t speak ‘cause your are still
Nearer to angels than to me

I can’t say any truth to you
You know more things than what I do
I can tell you about the days
In which I have increased my Faith

Your smile cannot be really expressed 
Words are so far from your pure breath 
You can be only loved for that 

Looking at you sleeping at last
To my inner child I can come back 
I hope he can sing to you the best 

And there’s in every lullaby
A mix of quietness and surprise
Both they are not enough to you
And your divine new born youth

The fairies are in the deep wood
It’s not so far we will go through
And in that day together we
Will live a little fairy bliss

There is a world out there you’ll know
Full of the things the most gorgeous
But you will see there’s something else
All that you can’t catch with your hands

Your smile cannot be really expressed 
Words are so far from your pure breath 
You can be only loved for that 

Looking at you sleeping at last 
To my inner child I can come back 
I hope he can speak to you the best 

25th May 2014